
Bachelor of Science (Honours) [Embedded]

Handbook year

Information valid for students commencing in 2024

Course code


Course type

Bachelor Honours Degree (AQF Level 8)




Science and Engineering

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Completion of two years (48 credit points) of a Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology at Xi’an University of Technology approved under the ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ·-XUT Articulation Schedule only.

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 1 Schedule II of the ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ· Admissions Policy.

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

96 credit points as per course structure

Course learning outcomes

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science (Data Science Honours) at ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ· will be able to:

  1. Integrate and apply a coherent and advanced body of theoretical and technical knowledge and skills, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more science disciplines
  2. Retrieve, generate, analyse, synthesise and evaluate data and evidence from a range of sources using mathematical, statistical and technological skills to inform decision making
  3. Plan and conduct reliable, evidence-based laboratory and/or field experiments by selecting and applying methods, techniques and tools, as appropriate to one or more science disciplines
  4. Convey scientific ideas, arguments and conclusions clearly and coherently through well-developed written and oral communication skills
  5. Identify, analyse and generate solutions to unpredictable or complex problems by applying scientific knowledge and skills with initiative, well-developed judgement and intellectual independence
  6. Apply research principles, methods, techniques and tools to plan and execute project work and/or a piece of research and scholarship with some independence
  7. Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles and, where appropriate, cultural frameworks, to work effectively, responsibly and safely in diverse contexts
  8. Reflect on current skills, knowledge and attitudes to manage their professional learning needs and performance, autonomously and in collaboration with others

Inherent Requirements

Inherent Requirements

Inherent requirements are the identified abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours that must be demonstrated, during the learning experience, to successfully complete a course. These abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours preserve the academic integrity of the University's learning, assessment, and accreditation processes, and where applicable, meet the standards of a profession. For more information please visit: Bachelor of Science.

Reasonable adjustments

All ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ· students have the opportunity to demonstrate, with reasonable adjustments where applicable, the inherent requirements for their course. For more information please visit: Student Disability Policy and Procedure.

Course Structure


Students who enter under the ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ·-XUT Articulation Schedule are eligible for credit against the subjects marked with an asterisk (*)

Level 1

EG1000:03 Engineering 1*

MA1003:03 Mathematical Techniques*

PH1005:03 Advanced Stream Physics*

SC1102:03 Modelling Natural Systems*

CP1401:03 Fundamentals of Program Solving and Programming 1*

CP1404:03 Programming II*

CP1407:03 Introductory Machine Learning and Data Science*

Level 2

CP2406:03 Programming III or CP2403:03 Information Processing and Visualisation

CP2414:03 Network Security

MA2000:03 Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers*

MA2211:03 Discrete Mathematics*

SC2202:03 Quantitative Methods in Science

Level 3

SC3008:03 Professional Placement

Level 4

MA4601:03 Data Science Honours Part 1 of 2

MA4602:09 Data Science Honours Part 2 of 2

Level 5

CP5603:03 Advanced E-security or CP5637:03 Content Management Systems

MA5852:03 Data Science Master Class 2


Select a 3 credit points of any Level 1, 2 or 3 Science subject*


Select 12 credit points of any Level 2, 3 or 5 Science subject*


Select the Major from Table A

TABLE A (Majors)

Credit points in major

24 credit points




Data Science 

ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ· Cairns

6 credit points of credit will be granted towards this Major. The credit will be applied to the following 2 subjects: MA1000 Mathematical Foundations and MA2210 Linear Algebra. These 6 credit points are in addition to the 42 credit points applied to the course. A total of 48 credit points of credit is granted from the articulation agreement with XUT.




ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ· Cairns

This course is only offered to international students through our agreement with XUT.


Expected time to complete

4 years full-time

Maximum time to complete

4 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year

Please refer to the Coursework Enrolment Procedure


Course progression requisites

Must successfully complete 48 credit points from the XUT Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology at Xi’an University of Technology as approved under the ÆßÐDzʿª½±ÀúÊ·-XUT Articulation Schedule

Supplementary exam for final subject

Not applicable



Students may apply for credit for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Credit Transfer Procedure. A total of 48 credit points of credit will be applied from the articulation agreement with XUT. 42 credit points will be applied to the course and 6 credit points will be applied to the Data Science Major.

Maximum allowed

48 credit points


Credit will be granted only for studies completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Credit gained for any subject shall be cancelled 19 years after the date of the examination upon which the credit is based if, by then, the student has not completed the course of study prescribed for the degree

Other restrictions

Not applicable

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Inclusion of discipline on testamur

Majors will appear on the testamur

Exit with lesser award

Not applicable

Course articulation

Not applicable