
The Learning Glass

The Learning Glass (LG) uses LED light technology to illuminate your writing with neon markers on specialised glass to transform a traditional whiteboard lesson into an engaging student experience.

How it works:

  • You stand behind the LG and annotate while being filmed
  • The image is then flipped in camera
  • Students see you and the annotations
  • You can either share a recorded session or deliver it live online.

The LG makes teaching much more dynamic and engaging compared to traditional whiteboards where you are annotating facing away from your students. You are able to connect with your students using important social and emotional cues and “gaze guidance” (Fiorella and Mayer, 2016).

Teaching with LG technology

The LG is currently located on both the Bebegu Yumba Campus (Townsville) and Nguma-bada Campus (Cairns)

  • Bebegu Yumba: B302.002
  • Nguma-bada: A4.222B

How can I book

Both locations can be booked using the .

  • Log on using your JC number and Password
  • Select your campus
  • LT-Recording room
  • View filtered rooms
  • Select the LG on your campus
  • Select date
  • Select time and duration and then choose next
  • Select your booking
  • Fill out the confirmation details with a RED *
  • Confirm booking
  • You will receive a confirmation email.

If you have any issues using the booking system please refer to the following guide:

How to Book (PDF, 455 KB)

When recording a LG session to share in your Learn七星彩开奖历史 subject site, we recommend that you use Panopto Capture.


The LG can be used in Collaborate to live teach.

To see an example of the LG used in a live teaching scenario please view the recording below where Lecturer Diana Castorina is  teaching her economics class live  in Collaborate. (Note this recording has been edited for demonstration purposes)


  • Look at the camera not the TV

  • Do not write too big or small. Test your writing first and see how it looks on camera

  • Only use the pens provided

  • Use different colour pens to highlight different points

  • If you are live and you ask your students a question, give them time to answer

  • Also, if live it is better to request students verbally ask questions rather than use the chat box

  • Wear clothing that is block coloured, medium dark greys, navy or black

  • One concept per glass, do not try and overload your learning glass with multiple concepts as it can get very busy very quickly

  • Once a concept is complete clean the glass before beginning a new concept

  • Save space on the left or right of the LG to show students you and maintain that uninterrupted connection with students

  • To minimise squeaking on the glass, from pens, you may have to write slower and ensure there is adequate ink in the tip of the pen

  • Have a piece of paper towel on the desk that you can use to prime the pen

  • Keep your LG recordings short, one recording equals one topic.

Teaching by design

To make the most of your time with the LG, it is essential that you plan your session before attending your booking. To aid in the planning stage we have provided you with a demonstration video, example lesson plan, and template.

The checklist can be used if you wish to implement a weekly learning sequence into your Learn七星彩开奖历史 subject site.

When planning, keep in mind the LG can also be used to team teach and in some situations it is more engaging. See an example below, from the Librarians Bronwen Forster and Janet Catterall.

Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 2009, 2014A) is one of the theories we have adopted to guide our teaching practice using the LG. This theory amalgamates human actions, human emotion with learner experience. The tables below from Fiorella and Mayer (2016) explain the interactions which happen when using the LG to teach your students.

Basic Principles of Multimedia Learning and Observing Instructor Drawing

Principle How it works How it applies to observing drawing
Signalling Directs attention to relevant Information Hand directs attention to the relevant visual information
Temporal contiguity Integrates words and pictures in time Visuals drawn concurrent with verbal explanation
Segmenting Breaks down material into manageable parts Visuals drawn one at a time rather than presented all at once

We adopted Mayers (2017)12 Principles of Multimedia Learning. These principles are essentially a guideline for you to follow when designing your LG lesson. Mayer's (2017) 12 Principles of Multimedia checklist is available for you to use for your LG lesson design or any multimedia design.

Theories Related to Observational Learning and Observing Instructor Drawing

Teaching modeling Self-efficacy Watching a model perform a task enhances learners' beliefs that they are capable of understanding the material.
Dynamic visuals Human movement Observing task-relevant movement takes advantage of an innate human bias to learn from others.
Social cues Social agency Personalized language and human-like movements (e.g., gestures) establishes a sense of partnership between the instructor and the learner.


The LG also lends itself to incorporate . "Embodied Learning  can be understood as the conscious use of creative experiences and the active involvement of students to champion the acquisition of knowledge" (Paniagua, & Istance, 2018, pp.118).