
Exam Types

The end of study period exams delivers a combination of on campus and/or online exams. Details of each type of exam can be found below.

Your timetable will provide specific information regarding which exam type you will be sitting.

On Campus Exams

A paper-based exam completed on-campus with in-person invigilation. This exam has a single specified start time, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will handwrite answers directly onto an exam paper or answer booklet provided by the invigilator.

An online exam run in Learn七星彩开奖历史 using the Respondus Lockdown Browser, which is sat on-campus with in-person invigilation. This exam has a single specified start time, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will answer questions directly in the Learn七星彩开奖历史 response boxes.

An oral exam held face-to-face on-campus with individual or groups of students. This exam has a single specified start time for each student/group, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will verbally respond to questions posed verbally or in writing by the examiner.

A practical exam held face-to-face on-campus with individual or groups of students. This exam has a single specified start time for each student/group, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will perform practical tasks and/or respond to questions, scenarios or demonstrations presented verbally, non-verbally, using computer software, or in writing.

Online Exams at home

An online exam run in Learn七星彩开奖历史. This exam has a single specified start time, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will answer questions directly in the Learn七星彩开奖历史 response boxes.

An online exam run in Learn七星彩开奖历史 using the Respondus Lockdown Browser. This exam has a single specified start time, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will answer questions directly in the Learn七星彩开奖历史 response boxes.

An online exam run in Learn七星彩开奖历史 using the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor (webcam). This exam has a single specified start time, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will answer questions directly in the Learn七星彩开奖历史 test response boxes.

You will be required to complete a Respondus Monitor Environment Check. Failure to provide a clear Environment Check video may lead to an Academic Misconduct report.

An online oral exam run in Learn七星彩开奖历史 using Collaborate with individual students. This exam has a single specified start time for each student, a specified duration, and must be completed in a single attempt. Students will verbally respond to questions that are posed verbally or in writing.