
Current Students Enrolment 七星彩开奖历史 Flex FAQs

七星彩开奖历史 Flex FAQs

七星彩开奖历史 Flex is a student-centred study mode which allows you to decide how you learn in each subject, regardless of whether you are enrolled as an internal (on-campus) or external (online) student.

You can choose the way you attend your scheduled classes to suit your non study commitments and if you can’t attend, either on campus or online, you can work through the learning materials yourself and follow the instructions.

External study means you would normally undertake all classes online and you would not be interacting with on campus students.

七星彩开奖历史 Flex means you can engage face-to-face on campus, or online, or you can study independently. And you can choose a mix of the three that suits you.

Some lecturers record their classes and make them available via your Learn七星彩开奖历史 subject site. If you don’t participate in the class at the scheduled time your lecturers will ensure you have other videos, articles, learning materials, exercises, and instructions so that you can study independently on that week’s content.

Some subjects may require some attendance on campus, so you need to read your Subject Outline to understand the requirements of your subject including any on-campus attendance for specific classes or assessments. Otherwise ‘yes’: if you prefer independent study, you can complete the subject in your own time. If you benefit from engagement with other students before, during, and after sessions, you may still be best off coming to campus for most sessions, or attending sessions online.

七星彩开奖历史 Flex may be available to international students, however international students are limited by visa requirements and how much study you may have already done online.

If you do wish to undertake any studies online through 七星彩开奖历史 Flex, you will need to seek approval from an Enrolment and Student Support Advisor by emailing enrolments@jcu.edu.au.

In 2023 the Bachelor of Arts was selected as the initial program for 七星彩开奖历史 Flex.

For Study Period 1 2024, the initial trial is being rolled out to all subjects that are taught in the Bachelor of Arts. This includes subjects at all levels with the following codes: AN, AR, BA, CU, CY, EL, FR, HI, PL, SS, and SY.

If a subject is available but not offered on the campus where you are located, you can still enrol in it as a 七星彩开奖历史 Flex student! You can choose to attend scheduled classes online, or work in your own time.

You will have information about 七星彩开奖历史 Flex in your Subject Outline, and your Learn七星彩开奖历史 site. Once the study period starts, you’ll be able to choose whether you attend that class on campus or online. You do not need to advise us if you are changing your attendance at any time – the choice is yours.

Once you are enrolled in your subjects, you will see in eStudent under the “My Timetable” tab that you are registered into the On-Campus and Online Flex classes. Please note this can take up to 12 hours after enrolling to display.

Once the study period starts, you’ll be able to choose whether you attend that class on campus or online, where the option to attend either is available. You do not need to advise us if you are changing your attendance at any time – the choice is yours.

We have appropriate-sized rooms to ensure classes will run smoothly through 七星彩开奖历史 Flex. However, some classes, may have on occasion, larger on-campus attendance. If the class is full you will be able to attend online, refer to the additional study locations available on campus.

Contact the Student Centre and they will be able to help you with any clashes or issues.

If you are in a course that is not the Bachelor of Arts but are doing some subjects that are primarily taught within the Bachelor of Arts, you will have access to the 七星彩开奖历史 Flex option for that subject.

If you choose to undertake all your classes online, this will be considered external study when meeting the requirements for benefits or rules which require you to be enrolled internally. For instance, if you have or want a , you must be enrolled full time and undertaking your classes on campus.

Yes, assessment activities are the same whether you choose to participate by attending on-campus or online. Details of your assessment activities are found in the subject outlines.

If you are attending live sessions online you will need to ensure you have stable internet connection, a web cam and microphone.

Yes, All 七星彩开奖历史 students have access to student support services.

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