
Maximum Time to Complete

Maximum time to complete your course

The maximum time permitted for a student to meet the Award requirements as articulated in the Course and Subject Handbook, or in the case of International Students, the expected course duration specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

If a student is at risk of not completing their current course within the maximum time to complete, the University will send a Maximum Time Warning Notice.

The Maximum Time Warning Notice

You will be sent a Warning notice which will:

  • Advise students they must maintain sufficient subject completion in order to complete their course in time;
  • Direct students to contact the Academic Administration and Enrolment team, 七星彩开奖历史 Brisbane Student Centre or 七星彩开奖历史 Singapore Student Centre for further advice and study plan assistance in order to complete their course within the maximum time; and
  • Direct international students to also contact the International Student Support team in relation to their expected course duration as detailed in clause 4.

Where it is no longer possible for a student to complete their course within the maximum time, as articulated in the Course and Subject Handbook, the University will send the student a Maximum Time Notification.

The Maximum Time Notification

You will be sent a Notification notice which will:

  • Advise the student it is no longer possible to complete their course within the maximum time to complete;
  • Advise international students they must contact the International Student Support team in relation to their expected course duration;
  • Advise the student they may apply to extend their completion date;
  • Advise the student they will be withdrawn from their course unless an application to extend time is approved; and
  • Advise the student that an Academic Status of Exclusion will apply, in addition to being withdrawn from their course, where the student is in a List 4 course.

Students who apply to extend the completion date must submit the online form within 10 University working days of receiving the Maximum Time Notification.

The Academic Administration and Enrolment team will assess applications to extend the maximum time to complete date, and gain approval from the  Academic Head in accordance with the Academic and Student Delegation Register.

If a student does not submit an application for an extension of maximum time to complete, or if the extension of time is not approved, the University will email a Notice of Intention to Withdraw.

The Notice of Intention to Withdraw

If you exceed the Maximum Time to Complete your course the Withdraw notice will:

  • Advise the students they will be withdrawn from their course and if in a List 4 course have an academic status of Exclusion applied; and
  • Advise the student's right to appeal the decision within 20 University working days of notification of the decision, in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy and Student Appeals Procedure.