
Current Students Fees & Financial Support Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

A  is your individual education number for life. A USI is a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters. It’s free, easy to create and stays with you for life.

You’ll need a USI if you are a:

  • new or continuing student undertaking 
  • higher education student in a Commonwealth supported place or graduating in 2023 and beyond.

Without one, you won’t be able to receive your statement of attainment, qualification, or award. You also won’t be eligible for .

Please complete this to provide 七星彩开奖历史 with your USI.


Domestic Students
From 1 January 2023, all higher education students, including those who commenced prior to 2021, must have a USI to:
  • be eligible for a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) and Commonwealth financial assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP)
  • to graduate and receive their award.
International Students
International students studying in Australia with an Australian education or training provider need to get a USI to receive their award. International students cannot create a USI until they have arrived in Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions